OUM Chiropractor Insights

What is Considered a Claim?

Aug 12, 2024 12:39:55 PM / by OUM Risk Management Specialist posted in Coverage, Claims


Most practitioners are highly aware of the importance of maintaining medical malpractice insurance coverage to protect themselves financially in the event of a malpractice claim. However, practitioners are less aware of the administrative claims they could face.

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Cybercrime Claims Scenarios: Can These Happen to You?

Jun 2, 2021 9:01:21 AM / by OUM Risk Management Specialist posted in Risk Management, Claims


In a word, yes. Many chiropractors significantly underestimate how much a breach will cost, and think they can self-insure it. Outlining what will happen in the event of a breach is very useful when understanding the value of cyber liability coverage. Below are a variety of claims scenarios that help illustrate the severity of cyber claims, and how widespread cyber breach activities are throughout the healthcare industry.

Scenario 1
Employees of a large chiropractic group discovered that their email accounts were not accessible. The group’s IT department investigated and discovered that a ransomware attack infected 10 servers and 50 workstations. The group had to close operations for two business days and suffered losses in relation to the event.

Cyber insurance covered a total of $83,050, as follows:

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